Dallas Office: 972-400-2177
2929 N. Central Expressway, Suite 125, Richardson Tx, 75080
Los Angeles Office: 747-262-4399
4605 Lankershim Blvd, Suite 614, Los Angeles, CA 91602
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
If you are the victim of domestic violence and you are willing to report the crime to law enforcement, you may be eligible for immigration benefits through a U-Visa. See U-Visa page in Practice Areas. If the domestic violence you faced was at the hands of your U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse, you may be eligible for a green card through the Violence Against Women's Act (''VAWA''). Please note that this form of relief is not limited to women. In order to qualify for VAWA, these requirements must be met:
To be sure you are able to show all of the below criteria and are eligible to apply for a green card through VAWA, please consult an experienced attorney.
The abuser was or is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
You are or were a spouse of the abuser or the parent of a child abused by your citizen or permanent resident spouse;
Your spouse abused you during your marriage;
You entered into the marriage in good faith;
You currently live in the United States or you qualify for an exception to this requirement;
You and your spouse have lived together at some point; and
You are able to show that you are a person of good moral character.